Here are some quick ideas for Passive Leadership programs:
1. Daily or Weekly Leadership Quotes.
2. A bulliton board with a variety of different leaders and their biographies. Look to do a variety of leaders and consider including Government leaders, Christian leaders, leaders that are visible Minorities, Recent leaders, Past leaders etc.
3. Read a book on leadership and write a summary of the book and include any numberical lists that might be interesting to read (i.e. John Maxwell's 21 Inrefutable Laws of Leadership or Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.)
4. Put together a blank bulliton board with cut out letters that for your residents to write their favorite leadership quotes, or even who they look to as leaders.
5. Create a list of Bible verses that have to do with leadership or could be used to help become a strong leader. Print off this list and post it for people to see (rooms, apartments, bathrooms, or halls).
6. Create a cut out of a person's body and point lines to the various parts of the body that could help describe leadership qualities. Then on 3X5 cards write about these metaphic qualities (i.e. knees for constant prayer, feet for walking away from temptation, head for growing intellectually and making good choices etc.).
7. Search on the internet or talk with faculty and staff to find out their favorite books on leadership. Then you can either create a book list (say who recommended each book), consider finding out the Library's LOC number to include on this list to make it easier to find.
I hope this helps you think of how to present one of these ideas or maybe think of another thought. Remember if you have seen something or have thought of an idea that you would like to share, please reply.
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