Last year our new programming model had a great start with many of our RAs planning and presenting a number of great programs. Next year should be an even better year for our programming plans, we want to learn from this past year to help in our planning and training.
One of the areas where our staff members had a tough time was choosing and presenting a 'Leadership' program. We are committed to developing Leaders and teaching Leadership, so next year instead of eliminating Leadership from our programming model, we want to develop a greater understanding of Leadership and how to plan for these events next year. So over the next month, I would like to talk about Leadership programming to get each of you thinking about all of you programs next year.
This week I would like to talk about "Responsible Citizenship".

Believe it or not Responsible Citizenship can be a great area to look for Leadership subjects. Here are just a few ideas to consider or to spark new ideas for programming for Leadership or other programming areas:
1. Getting involved in Student Government or the Student Newspaper to benefit MVNU and MVNU students.
2. Living a life of integrity by speaking honestly, not gossiping, or not cheating.
3. Not wasting or taking Cafeteria food (Ask Todd how much this cost Pioneer and eventually students).
4. Impacting people through volunteering.
5. Learning to use a schedule or day planner (Talk to Academic Support for help).
6. Responsible use of electricity on campus (how does this impact costs).
7. How can MVNU students become mentors (Youth ministries, Big Brothers/Sisters etc.).
8. How to be a successful student by being a respectful student (let me know if you want to talk about this one).
9. Good stewardship and fiscal responsibility for college students.
10. How college students can reduce, reuse and recycle at MVNU and in Mt. Vernon.
Please respond with ideas of you own, especially if you have ideas regarding number ten. Enjoy the rest of you summer and check back soon.
1 comment:
I wish we had more #9 programs when I was a student and I did benefit from the one that I went to.
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