Thursday, July 19, 2007

Leadership Reduced // God is Green

FROM: Travis Keller

Leadership is very complex. I have read several books on leadership along with attending conferences that include "leadership" break-out sessions. It is intriguing to read and hear all the different perspectives and ideas that surround the buzz-word topic. I have discovered that my own leadership is flawed if I do not experientially demonstrate any concept or behavior that I wish to communicate.

I have been accused lately of being a "tree-hugging-hippie" because I am a non-violent activist who has taken up reducing, reusing, and recycling. Sarah, Kyla, and I have bins in our kitchen area for the recycling of plastic, metal, cardboard, and paper. When a bin fills up I take the materials to the Knox County Recycling Center on Columbus Road. I hope my attempt to "live green" leads others to do the same.

As lovers of creation, the staff of Oakwood Hall is planning to initiate a large recycling campaign. Many automobile manufacturers and social organizations encourage people to "Live Green" by reducing oil usage and automobile emissions along with caring for streams, lakes, and rivers and preserving the natural habitat of creatures. I would contend that followers of Jesus should follow the lead of said associations not as conforming citizens but as worshipers of our Creator. God is green. He has entrusted humanity to care for ourselves and the rest of creation. We are to control our consumption and reuse our resources as stewards of Creation and as leaders.

May we reduce leading others to our own demonstration.
Live Green.


Anonymous said...

1. I'm thinking we encourage folks to bring their bikes. We could even have a few activities like bike restoration party (at least mine needs some work)or weekend bike rides, or bike games around campus. Then we could start trends of taking earlier trips on bikes into town to get what we need or to Neffs or the gas station (Walmart is another topic).

2. If people do need to take trips in their cars(it's hard to carry more than 1or 2 things on a bike) we could encourage them to pack their cars full of people who also want to come. Ask eachother who wants to come. No more lonely trips!

3. I don't know what the appartments garbage situation is, but if they don't have recycling bins we should either get them some or at least pick up their recylable goods for them.

That's all I got for now,

Ryan Schmitz said...

Good thoughts Travis and Joe, how about having students break down their cardboard boxes and put them in a store room until Move out where we provide these back to students to take back home. We also encourage them to store those boxes until they return in the Fall.