1. Channel 24 will post PowerPoint slides that advertise student extra-curricular activities that are general in nature, applying to all MVNU students, and officially sponsored by Mount Vernon Nazarene University.
2. Only one slide may be posted per event.
3. Event sponsors desiring to advertise on Channel 24 must submit an appropriate PowerPoint slide at least 7 days before the event. Please email the completed slide as an attachment to Ryan.Schmitz@mvnu.edu.
4. Slides will be posted on channel 24 no earlier than 2 weeks in advance of the event, unless registration information is needed earlier than the event date.
5. Slides must be submitted in an MS PowerPoint format only. The Student Development office will not create PowerPoint slides or be expected to edit slides. The Student Development office reserves the right to edit the content of any slide submitted.
6. PowerPoint slides will run for 10 seconds only, so animation should be limited or not included on submitted slides.
7. A legible font, large enough to be viewed clearly, should be used on all slides. Avoid having too much writing on a slide; limit information to the most important details.
8. Backgrounds will not always transfer properly with the current software. Also, not all backgrounds submitted will be available for use on Channel 24.
9. It is the responsibility of the party submitting the slides to notice any mistake, or outdated slides, or if a slide is not on Channel 24 when it needs to be. Please notify Ryan.Schmitz@mvnu.edu about any corrections that need to be made.
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