Fall Semester Program Ideas
Adult Literacy Awareness Month
Jazz Month
Library Card Sign-Up Month
National Chicken Month
National Piano Month
National School Success Month
Self-Improvement Month
National Cholesterol Education and Awareness Month Classical Music Month
International Visitor’s Month
National Honey Month
National Courtesy Month
National Rice Month
Women of Achievement Month
National Alcohol and Drug Treatment Month
Student Issues
New year adjustment
Getting to know your roommate/apartment-mates
Strong start on academics
Community service projects
Time management
Social involvement
Familiarization with Mount Vernon
Hall council involvement
Long-distance relationships
Fire safety
MVNU policies and procedures
Exploring your personal beliefs
American Magazine Month
Computer Learning Month
Crime Prevention Month
Ending Hunger Month
Fire Prevention Month
Hunger Awareness Month
Lupus Awareness Month
National AIDS Awareness Month
National Car Care Month
National Education Month
National Popcorn Poppin’ Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
National Seafood Month
Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month
Auto Battery Safety Month
Consumer Information Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Healthy Lung Month
International Book Fair Month
Vegetarian Awareness Month
Lock in Safety Month
National Breast Cancer Month
National Dessert Month
National Pasta Month
National Pizza Month
National Pork Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Student Issues
Alcohol issues
Roommate conflict/privacy
Health & fitness
Personal safety
Time conflicts between academics & social
Relationships – dating, non-dating, student withdrawal – adjustment
Judicial process
Graduate school selection, preparation, and admissions
Disenchantment with school academics – midterms
Study skills
Homesickness (homecoming)
Job panic for mid-year grads
Group identity issues
Financial stress
Involvement opportunities
Fall Parties
Good Nutrition Month
National Diabetes Month
National Epilepsy Awareness Month
Religion & Philosophy Books Month
Latino American Month
Peanut Butter Lover’s Month
Native American Heritage Month
International Creative Child & Adult Month
Student Issues
Changing relationships
Friends from home
Significant others
Dealing with parents
Time management conflicts
Roommate problems – short tempers
Winter Break depression
Results of procrastination
Social apathy
Problems related to alcohol
Spring Semester Program Ideas
Crime Stoppers Month
Soup Month
Volunteer Blood Donor Month
National Eye Care Month
Hot Tea Month
Oatmeal Month
Student Issues
Academic Revival
Post-holiday depression
Roommate relationships
Para-professional recruitment
Family loss / stress
Welcoming of new residents
Weight gain
Money problems
African American History Month
Canned Food Month
World Understanding Month
Creative Romance Month
National Blah-Buster Month
Humpback Whales Awareness Month
International Boost Your Self-Esteem Month
American History Month
American Heart Month
Black History Month
National Snack Food Month
National Weddings Month
Student Issues
Dad’s Weekend
Summer job hunting
Graduation planning
Cleanliness in common areas
Living arrangements for fall
Tutoring services
Race issues
Alcohol and relationships
Dealing with noise
Where to study
American Red Cross Month
National Frozen Food Month
National Peanut Month Irish-American Heritage Month
National Nutrition Month
National Women’s History
Student Issues
Safe spring break
Travel tips
Choosing a major
Impending crises for seniors
What was/is my education worth?
Did I choose the wrong major?
Job interview preparation
Resume writing
Resume building
Summer job hunting
Earning money for spring break
Keep America Beautiful Month
Listening Awareness Month
Multicultural Communication Month
National Recycling Month
Actors Appreciation Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
National Anxiety Month
National Humor Month
National Poetry Month
Stress Awareness Month
Student Issues
Outdoor resources
Bike trail
Modesting issues (warmer weather)
Financial strain affecting social life
Time management
Major selection
Illness due to weather changes
Better Sleep Month
Electrical Safety Month
Mental Health Month
National Barbecue Month
National Hamburger Month
National Egg Month
National High Blood Pressure Month
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month
National Sasquatch Month
National Asparagus Month
National Bike Month
National Mime Month
National Physical Fitness
National Photo Month
Sports Month
National Strawberry Month
Personal History Awareness
Cinco De Mayo (Mexico) Month
National Salad Month
Student Issues
Year end check out procedures
Finals pressure
Going home for the summer
Spring health and fitness
Finishing strong with academics
Senior/Summer job panic
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Month
Fireworks Safety Month
National Accordion Awareness Month
National Drive Safe Month
National Pest Control Month
Black Music Month
Tony Award Month
June Dairy Month
Youth Suicide Prevention Month
Zoo & Aquarium Month
The information used on this page was found at http://www.oneonta.edu/development/reslife/pages/prog_social.asp
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