The Following students shall not be allowed to reside in the College dormitories, without special permission from the Director of Student Services (Development):
a. students who are married
b. students thirty-years of age or older
c. student who have been married
Dress Standards
Sunbathing is allowed only in the designated areas fenced in behind each dormitory. Shoes must be worn at all times outside of dormitories
Shorts, other than those approved for athletic participation, are not acceptable for wear at any time while enrolled at MVNC.

Women: Pantsuits and dress slacks are not to be worn to church services. However, since chapel is a part of the regular college-day activities, they are acceptable there, except when one is scheduled to be a platform participant in the service.
Men: Blue jeans, overalls, and other attire contributing to a sloppy appearance are not considered in good taste for classroom and cafeteria wear.
All campus students are required to remain on campus for the weekends when special religious emphasis are planned.
All freshmen are required to stay on campus for the first five (5) weekends of the Fall Term.
Students will be allowed to go home with a friend or friends, unless forbidden by parents at the beginning of the year. Female students will not be allowed to go home with male students (or vise versa) without parental approval.
Students who become married during the school year must have a letter of permission from parents or guardians of both individuals and the approval of the college president.
A deskworker or other supervisory person will be authorized to maintain the proper atmosphere by prohibiting the following:
-boisterous activity
-moving furniture without permission
-putting feet on furniture
-reclining on the couches or floors
-using "playing cards"
-inappropriate social deportment (I think this mean "making out")
Looking for a place to pray, the handbook suggests the following:
the dorm prayer rooms, or down by the creek (aren't you glad we have the chapel now?)
Each student is expected to attend every chapel service; there are no excused absences. Each student will be allowed up to eight (8) absences each (semester) and (2) in the January (term), for reasons of illness and emergency.
In 1974 there was a disciplinary action called "Campusing" or a "Campusment", which looks like:
1. During "campusment" period, you are not allowed to leave the campus at any time without special permission from the Director of Student Services (Development). This does not, of course, include church services and prayer meeting; you will be allowed to attend church off campus during regularly scheduled church service times, after checking out with the Head Resident Counselor (RD).
Doctor's appointments made prior to the imposition of the campus may be kept, after informing the Head Resident Counselor (RD).
On-campus curricular assignments and responsibilities have priority over the specific requirements of the "campus" and will be allowed, after clearing it with the Head Resident Counselor (RD). This must not be mis-used, or it will become "an increased offense". Off-campus curricular involvement must have the expressed permission of the Director of Student Services (Development).
Work on campus will be allowed, except for the hours you are to be in your room. Work off campus will be forfeited, unless special arrangements are made with the Office of Student Services and the Head Resident Counselor (RD).
2. You must spend the period from 8:00 p.m. each (evening) to 7:30 a.m. the following morning in your room Monday through Thursday, except for stated prayer meeting times; also, from 9:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. During this time, you must either be in your room with the door closed, or in your wing bathroom. Dorm lobbies and halls are off-limits. Unnecessary noise will be considered "an increased offense". You will be allowed to receive telephone calls during this time only from off-campus callers.
3. During the time of you "campus", you are excluded from all extra-curricular activities of the college. This includes intramural and inter-collegiate athletics, student government functions, faculty committee assignments, and any official representation of the college.
4. During the time of your "campus", your behavior must be circumspect and beyond suspicion. Further infractions, even minor ones, will be dealt with in increasingly stringent ways.
I don't thing that we will be adding this to any discipline contracts any time soon, but it is interesting to the changes over the last 30 years, it was equally interesting to see what stayed the same. I don't know what things at MVNU will look like in 2036, but it is funny to think that they may someday look back at our current policies and chuckle.
Those are some crazy rules. I can't believe they were actually enforced. I wouldn't wish those on anyone.
"Campusing" is an actual word?! I'm in shock, but I do find it highly amusing. Looks like I just expanded my vocabulary.
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