Every year the most anticipated day for Residence Life, after move in day (and for some when RA positions are announced), is Room Rush.
On April 4th, 2007 we will be holding our annual event where students can sign up in housing groups to be placed in their 2007-2008 housing assignments. Students can sign up in groups of 2, 4 or 6 and they can also indicate housing preferences.
Our staff tallies the number of academic credits for each group and figures out the average credits. Then groups are put in order and are placed into housing, based first on greatest number of credits and then on preferences.
Housing assignments are usually posted within two weeks of Room Rush. Posting day, to the surprise of some students, ends up being more anticipated than Room Rush. This is one day where the campus divides into two groups of people: those that like ResLife, and those that do not.
If you would like more information about Room Rush or Residence Life at Mount Vernon Nazarene University, please call us at 740-392-6868 ext. 4600.