This week starts our annual interview marathon for next year's RA staff. We will be looking to hire students that will be strong leaders, good students, compassionate Christians, and selfless servants. This is usually a difficult yet enjoyable time. We love meeting new students, talking more personally with current RAs, and looking forward to what the Lord has planned for 2007-2008. We know that there is a lot of need for prayer over the next few weeks, so here are some of our requests:
1. Pray for peace for our candidates. This process can create a lot of nervousness and we know that it can be frustrating for students we have to turn down.
2. Pray that God will give us wisedom.
3. Pray for our collective patience. These four days can be long and monotonous for our staff and by the last day of individual interviews we are not alway at 100%. We want to give each student the attention and fairness that they deserve.
4. Pray that we can put together the best teams that can serve our residents in the best way possible.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. We know that this is an important task and we are excited about what is ahead.