Programming Using Cable TV
When MVNU decided to wire Cable TV into each of your apartments and dorm rooms, there were concerns voiced about how it may weaken community. Here is a list of some ideas you can use the Cable to help build community. Please add your own ideas in the comment section.
1. Have a weekly gathering for a popular TV show (like LOST, The Office, The Bachelor, 24, The Apprentice, Survivor etc.) in your room, if it gets too big meet in the lobby.
2. Be aware of any Classic TV Marathons that maybe scheduled, then plan an all-nighter in the lobby or your room.
3. Have a get together during an Award show and have your residents dress up in fancy clothes just like the celebrities. Add a red carpet and interviews for true authenticity (Courtesy of J. Buch)
4. Record a movie that was originally rated R that has been censored for TV and show it to your residents. Follow that up with a discussion. Some ideas are discuss the content in Rated R movies, censorship, Hollywood's impact on culture, or discuss a moral dilemma from the film. Talk to your RD before you do this to make sure they are aware of your plans.
5. Have an educational program where you watch a Major Political event (State of the Union, Senate hearings, C-SPAN) or Election Results. Have a professor present to discuss the impact of the results and to take questions from your residents.
6. Promote an Athletic event that is being televised as an educational program for student who would like to learn more about a sport and not sound silly asking questions. Have some “experts” on hand to answer questions.
7. For the upcoming Winter Olympics (Feb. 10-26 on NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) keep a medal count Poster on a bulletin board or in your lobby. Find information online about the rules and history of the events and post them up in your areas. Promote the big events like Figure Skating, Hockey, and of course Curling.